Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Best Music Video - Fairchild TV

Award ceremony - Fairchild TV Video Contest 3/17/2007
Richmond, B.C. - Vincent Lin - Best Music Video

It’s always gratifying to see a young talent getting recognition for creative excellence. With enough encouragement and a few breaks, a talented teen might develop a productive career. With that in mind I wrote a Blog piece on January 9th - “Student Director Dreams Large”. In the article I praised a new video shot by Vincent Lin 林學寬 of Burnaby, a film maker attending Grade 12 at Burnaby Central High. The six minute film, entitled Twilight’s Chapter Seven, is a murder drama filmed on location in Burnaby and Vancouver’s Gastown district. It was set to the music of pop-star Jay Chou. Vincent was invited to attend the Fairchild TV Video Contest event in Richmond on January 17, and there found he had earned the prize for Best Music Video. I spoke to the neophyte director today and he informed me that his film is on YouTube and has been downloaded about 2,600 times. You can have a look at More to the point , Vincent is already planning an even more ambitious project – a half hour mystery. I certainly wish him, and his multi-talented group of friends – actors, musicians, and video crew, great success with that new video project.

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