Friday, October 24, 2008

UN GANG, RED SCORPIONS, INDEPENDANT SOLDIERS - these hits are getting boring

The details of the last four execution murders in B.C. were so pedestrian that the news media didn't even bother to go out and secure photos of the dead. The soldiers in Vancouver drug gangs are going to have to make an effort, maybe use a flamethrower or a piano wire garrot or something equally sinister PDQ, or their moves will disappear completely from tomorrow's headlines.
True the SUN gave Todd "Joe" Kranz the front page yesterday, because a reporter had a scoop with confidential documents, but most gangster killings are now getting lost in the back pages. The only gangsters worth writing about these days are men who are high tier, because the very process of connecting dots makes a story. Simply getting gunned down in a parking lot is not sufficient excuse to chase after your family for a quote. Most reporters are content with Google sniffing a few quotes and a picture from Facebook tribute pages.

In October we read of Jimmy (Grover) Lee shot in front of his rental over there in Surrey. Jimmy was a crack shack operator and an auto parts fence. On the same day up in Prince George, B.C. two denizens of an infamous drug crib were executed. They were Brittany Giese, age 19, and Garrett McComb, age 23. That single day body count allowed some Media the novelty of a hat trick headline. Soon after, Rukesh Rutnam Naidu, a "soldier" who was "known to police", was gunned down in the parkade at Oakridge Mall. Naidu's death got a little more air play because he was whacked in an upscale locale, but other than that, nobody really gave a shit. And since Oakridge Mall has more cameras than an Iranian nuclear reactor facility, there is video of the Naidu set up, but we will never see it.

WORLD EXTREME FIGHTING on Clearbrook Road in Abbotsford, B.C. - the site of B.C.'s most recent drug dealer execution. Joe Krantz was cornered in a stairwell at the rear and riddled with bullets.

The late Joe Krantz, posing in corn-row hair job and flashing a bad-ass gangster hand signal proves he was just as culturally confused as he was criminal. This is the photo the Vancouver SUN Google-sniffed, scraped and published with Joe's goodbye story. It's lifted from an extreme sports website.

Honestly folks, time is our most precious commodity, and even though the Vancouver crime file has its rewards, the constant thinning of the herd in gangster land is getting really tiring. Unless they bump off an ex-MLA who invests in the drug trade or a some gorgeous Asian babe who loves her soldier, the print media are soon going to fall asleep. Kim Bolan will keep at it, but even she must be getting worried about devoting her whole life to one song. Punjabi terrorists and seedy dropout drug thugs are horrible company to host in any healthy mind.

This is the two page summary, heavily redacted, of the testimony of Cassidy Krantz, after she was removed from the home. Only an eight year old, she offered more explicit detail than the police usually get out of adult witnesses.

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