Sunday, February 27, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi - Lion of the Desert

One of the nice things about Blogging on Google's Blogspot is that your material is never really buried. Events can and do, make old stories relevant again, and Google points to your work. This past week I was surprised to see a surge of readers for a DVD Review I wrote three years ago. [Read Article] The film is a delicious mix of history and filmmakers craft - LION OF THE DESERT. The article is actually a shorter version of a piece which is archived elsewhere on the Net, but serious readers are digging. Though my January 2008 article discusses Libyan leader Muammer Gaddafi, I was slow catching the relevance.
Then I saw Matt Drudge's header yesterday. Note the black and white photo pinned to Gaddafi's right breast. There is a wonderful story behind that photo, and it's in my Blog. As it happens Canada's MACLEAN'S magazine features Gaddafi on its cover this week, because he topical. They use this same image without bothering to inform readers of the significance of the photo he chose to wear on his chest. Again, it's in my review of LION OF THE DESERT.

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