Wednesday, April 6, 2011

THE TALIBAN SONG and other fun stuff from Afghanistan. Also enjoy the comedy stylings of the Three Stooges in Kevlar

As Canadian folk songs go, it's not exactly Stan Rogers, but hey! ... I wouldn't want to write song lyrics in a cruddy bunker in Afghanistan. Not with the Taliban bouncing RPGs off the roof! THE TALIBAN SONG is fun stuff, sung to the tune of Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldiers. It's hosted at LIVELEAK for all to enjoy.

THE TALIBAN SONG plays online here.

While you visit LIVELEAK why not also enjoy the comedy stylings of Gypsy, Whiskey and McMuffin, three Canadian soldiers who make the best coffee since BLACKHAWK DOWN:

Making coffee Canadian style - is a fun little video created by Three Stooges in Kevlar. Watch it here.

The Stooges in Kevlar really hate that "Beef Macaroni Chinese Style" but find uses for the efficient heat pack.

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