Monday, January 2, 2012

Band on the Run - How hard is RCMP looking for Jinagh Navas-Rivas, David Le, Willie Truong and Raymond Ma ?

Where is the Navas-Rivas gang holed up? RCMP doesn't know. VPD doesn't know. So much for tag team police surveillance. Or do we simply have to wait for Gregor Robertson to get back from his Hawaii vacation, and hold HIS press conference... before RCMP, or some other Law Enforcement agency, scoops up the "Wild Bunch" from Richmond? It is for certain that the band of "dial-a-dope" desperadoes did not slip across the Canada - U.S. border. The Americans have a growing reputation for playing rough with "troubled youth" who play with guns and cocaine.

What is most interesting is that it wasn't the Vancouver SUN which connected the dots, or broke the story about Mayor Robertson's "foster son" being linked to a "dial-a-dope" operation in Richmond. It was the tiny RICHMOND REVIEW which put the pieces together. What the SUN has done is publish an editorial praising Gregor Robertson and his family for having taken in Jinagh Navas-Rivas... like Jinagh and Gregor are some Canadian version of the 2009 Hollywood move THE BLIND SIDE.

Recall Mayor Robertson's December 30, 2011 media release:
"Today I learned that the Richmond RCMP are seeking Jinagh Navas Rivas on criminal charges.
My wife and I foster parented Jinagh for two years until 2009. We have always believed that providing support to youth in need is of great importance and that fostering is an important contribution contribution our family can make.
It was in this spirit that we took in Jinagh to live with us. He has been on his own now since June 2009. I am disappointed to hear that Jinagh is wanted by the Richmond RCMP and I urge him to turn himself into the police immediately.
Out of respect for the ongoing investigation, I will refrain from commenting further at this time."

Not quite as short as a Haiku, but the wily Vancouver politician managed to squeeze in TWO references to the fact that his former foster lion cub is wanted by the Richmond RCMP. Too, too bad it has since emerged that Gregor's VPD has aided the investigation, Sooo Gregor's VPD employees know far more than Vancouver taxpayers will ever know about their Mayor's experiment with foster parenting.

Glad now you didn't adopt, Mayor Robertson? Some newspapers are busy helping Mayor Gregor Robertson distance himself from Jinagh Navas-Rivas, but as the RICHMOND REVIEW pointed out... and pointed to... the foster son was still listed as family on the Mayor's personal web page at Vancouver City Hall.

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