Friday, January 20, 2012

Vancouver Hockey Riot - the COMPLETE Photo Archive

Vancouver Riot 2011 - ratting out your neighbor"Integrated Riot Investigation Team" - hmmmm. An I.R.I.T. to go with an I.H.I.T. Well, "integrated" investigation didn't work in catching and convicting the BURNABY BOMBERS who blew up Air India Flight 182 and butchered 329 passengers and crew. The boffins who botched that glorious investigation are now pensioned-off and kicking it up in the Gulf Islands or beaches of their choice. The bastard bombers in Burnaby didn't take cellphone photos of themselves in front of YVR, so I guess that's why they got away with it. Or was it simply rotten ethno- politics as usual?
Vancouver Riot 2011 - chaos in the streetThis is what they call the "Vancouver riot pose". Find a burning hulk or a smashed plate glass window, and stand in front of it. Then upload it to the drool-pool of your choice. Here is a typical shot of our no-name youth, branded by Calvin Klein and the Vancouver Canucks sports franchise, shown reaching up to be embraced by the Gods of Anarchy.

THE PROVINCE newspaper has just web-published the entire collection of Stanley Cup Riot photos. That is 5,481 images, so if you are going to binge, make a pot of coffee first. My favorite is this one. Is that Devlin? Justin? Ryan? Who cares. We don't need to see the face - we just need to isolate the TYPE. Are there no prisons, no workhouses?

Vancouver hockey Riot 2011 - the rat galleryTo ponder 5,481 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot photos click on SWEET ANARCHY.

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