Thursday, July 5, 2012

Juxtapose 2 - Luka Magnotta and Colonel Russell Williams

Two of Canada's most infamous killers have no ties to the Mafia, or to urban drug gangs, or even to any history of spousal violence.  Yet Colonel Russell Williams and porn actor Luka Magnotta share many life experiences and personality traits.  Here are just a few of the very obvious one.

Many Canadians were taken aback when the Federal government authorized a CC-150 Polaris to carry Montreal cops over to Germany to take custody of Luka Magnotta. The excuses were hollow but the interesting coincidence is that the bird,  No. 15005, is the same VIP Transport once flown by Col. Williams, the former Commanding Officer of 437 Transport Squadron. One of Col. Williams female victims was a military flight attendant who had also served onboard Polaris No. '05

These two men are the of the new breed of Canadian killer ... more savage, far more savvy, and with a taste for documenting their killings in the minutest detail.
- Luka Magnotta, as the world knows, recorded every detail on of his killing and sodomizing of the body of Jun Lin.  Wing Commander Williams recorded hours of tape of the rapes and murders he committed and he kept voluminous notes and trophies.
- both came from dysfunctional, broken homes, with parents who "called it quits" rather early.
- both have experimented with personal identity and were younger men under different names -  Magnotta was Eric Newman in Ontario and Williams was Russ Sovka in Ontario.
- both enjoyed posing as women.  Williams had a huge collection of women's underwear and enjoyed posing in bikinis and bras.  Magnotta, as we know, relished makeup and could pass as a woman.
- both were very mobile, very social and skillful at deceiving their closest friends.

One important new twist - Luka wanted to join the "big league" of celebrity killers and was aware of the governments suppression of the Karla Homolka tapes and of the Russell Williams video. So he made sure his video testament got uploaded before he left Canada. This is the criminal novelty which we will see again in the near future.  

So parents, as we are on the threshold of a "new age" in this great land, perhaps it is time to worry less about marijuana in your teens sock drawer, and focus more on who they believe they are, and who they fantasize becoming.  Just a thought.

Canadian Idol Luka Magnotta now has a fan following, just as he had hoped to achieve.  Some of the laudatory comments I've read on Facebook are almost beyond belief. Embarrassed by a crime which touched even Parliament Hill (body parts mailed to Federal Party offices) our government went so far as to apologize to China for Mr. Magnotta's crimes. The media rubbed it in, and his landing at Mirabel Airport got better coverage than the arrival of Royals.  Come to think of it - some of the Royal Family have also flown on Polaris No. 15005.   

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