It was only a few days ago that I pointed out the hateful reaction of two influential newspapers - one in London and the other here in Vancouver, which typify that triumphant "Gotcha" attitude prevalent to the Status Quo media. Within hours of Gov. Palin's arrival on the International stage the media claimed to have detected flaws of character which invalidated Governor Palin's participation in Presidential politics. They were wrong but they won't stop. The case at hand, a story concocted by Witch Doctors of the Left, rushed to underground serum factories, and then injected into the public bloodstream by the so-called "mainstream" press.
Take five minutes to read this article written by Jonathan Kay for the NATIONAL POST, August 4. The CBC's Bogus Smear on Sarah Palin .
If you haven't got time, here's an extract:
But on Tuesday night -- two full days after the rumour was killed -- CBC's The National went live with it.
"Sarah Palin was strangely absent from public view today," reporter Neil Macdonald told viewers from the Republican convention in Minnesota. "The story surrounding her grew ever stranger, too."
"It's baby Trig who's generating the questions," Macdonald went on. "There are the pictures of [Sarah] Palin looking slim just weeks before the April birth. In March, the Anchorage Daily News reported that Palin 'simply doesn't look pregnant.' Then, there was the birth itself. Palin was in Texas on April 17 when her water broke, but she went ahead with a speech, then, rather than checking into a hospital, she headed back to Alaska." (The CBC provided a helpful map showing Palin's lengthy plane ride, with dramatic-sounding music.)
"There is no record of the birth," Macdonald added somewhat breathlessly. "Some suspect that Trig is actually Palin's grandson, and that Bristol, the now-pregnant teenage daughter, is the baby's real mother."
"Sarah Palin was strangely absent from public view today," reporter Neil Macdonald told viewers from the Republican convention in Minnesota. "The story surrounding her grew ever stranger, too."
"It's baby Trig who's generating the questions," Macdonald went on. "There are the pictures of [Sarah] Palin looking slim just weeks before the April birth. In March, the Anchorage Daily News reported that Palin 'simply doesn't look pregnant.' Then, there was the birth itself. Palin was in Texas on April 17 when her water broke, but she went ahead with a speech, then, rather than checking into a hospital, she headed back to Alaska." (The CBC provided a helpful map showing Palin's lengthy plane ride, with dramatic-sounding music.)
"There is no record of the birth," Macdonald added somewhat breathlessly. "Some suspect that Trig is actually Palin's grandson, and that Bristol, the now-pregnant teenage daughter, is the baby's real mother."
Now I can live with either the Republican or Democratic ticket taking the White House in November. I care most of all that the Clinton's have finally been taken out. But that was Obama's accomplishment, and not McCain's. As a Canadian I do insist on a standard of honesty and decency when it comes to our taxpayer funded CBC, which has always been full of itself. Neil Macdonald owes Governor Palin and her family an honest apology and the CBC News division should simply be ashamed of itself.

Governor Sarah Palin, her husband and their new son - Trig. "Family Values" is not tribal "code" for a neo-Christian Revolution. We non-Christians also identify with the need for a shared moral code and value set which transcends consumption and selfish gratification.
Media bias
Well, it is just like most medias in Taiwan. They always blame DPP and make excuses or hide news for KMT. Just the same!
from Saturday classes
The CBC should not only be very ashamed for its journalistic integrity, but hopefully at risk for its public funding status. We are glad you have freedom of speech up there, I hope this does not represent the way the vast majority of Canadians would parse their words.
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